Research Topic for this blog is The Element that Dominant Sustainable E-Commerce Purchasing: Malaysian Fashion Industry
The main objective of this research is to examine the sustainable of e-commerce purchasing in Malaysian fashion industry. To determine the relationship between social media, influencer marketing, website and e-commerce and the element that dominant sustainable of e-commerce purchasing.

 [5 October 2021] WEEK 1 - Class Session 

1st Class session!

  Assalammualaikum and good evening, today is the first week of the Seminar class conducted by Dr. Sharina. Today, Dr. Sharina explains the course lesson and assessment plan that required us to find a research topic about e-learning during COVID-19. The theme that given to us for our research topic is "Revitalising the Economy through Innovation, Creativity and Social Empowerment".

    After a long discussion with the team member, we decided to focus on Fashion Industry in Malaysia. We had a brainstorming session to come up with a study title, and we came up with the title of “The Element that Dominant Sustainable E-Commerce Purchasing: Malaysian Fashion Industry”. We consult with our lecturer whether this topic is appropriate for the research. The reason why we choose this topic is that we want to determine the relationship between social media, influencer marketing, website and e-commerce in the Malaysian Fashion Industry. 

    Dr. Sharina has clarified the steps involved in writing a research paper and a web blog. Both are important in perfecting the research paper and presenting it for all to read or understand to the public for reading and comprehension. In terms of the Research Paper, it is also vital to conduct thorough and well-organized research in order to solve the problem we have chosen, and it is also important to include a simple and easy-to-understand explanation for the blog because each group is required to update Dr. Sharina's class every day, as well as update any group discussions and assignments that must be completed based on the information provided.

 [12 October 2021] WEEK 2 - Class Session 
2nd Class session!

    Hi, everyone! For today, Dr. Sharina explains when decided to consult the group about the task given. Dr. Sharina assigned us to prepare with our problem statement, dependent variable, and independent variables. A problem statement is a concise description of the problem or issues a project seeks to address. In the problem statement, we need to determine whether there is a problem or issue related to the topic of this research. The problem statement identifies the current state, the desired future state, and any gaps between the two. It is an important communication tool that can help ensure everyone working on a project knows what the problem they need to address is and why the project is important.

    The dependent variable depends on other factors that are measured. These variables are expected to change as a result of experimental manipulation of the independent variable or variables. It is the presumed effect. Meanwhile, the independent variable is stable and unaffected by the other variables we are trying to measure. It refers to the condition of an experiment that is systematically manipulated by the investigator. It is the presumed cause. An easy way to think of independent and dependent variables is, when we are conducting an experiment, the independent variable is what we change, and the dependent variable is what changes because of that. 

How to do a questionnaire(Adopt & Adapt) 

Group Discussion !!

   First of all, we had our discussion to discuss about the DV and IV. Unfortunately, our first title about this project are cannot be accepted because of the DV could not be measure. As we learn before, the DV should be measure due to the effectiveness, performance and so on. 

We discuss in the group WhatsApp about the respective tasks and what to do to produce the best and easy to understand journal. We also corrected our DV and searching for the journals that related to our topic. We also decided to create a research blog on Blogger. 

 [19 October 2021] WEEK 3 - Group Discussion

Group Discussion !! 

For today class session Dr. Sharina had to cancel our class because she will be on leave from 15 Oct until 19 Oct. 

     During the second week of class, Dr. Sharina taught us about Literature Review. We need to learn about the definition, purpose, importance, and how to write a literature review. The purpose of the literature review should be conducted to avoiding rewriting existing research and as a supported each independent and dependent variable. We need to find a minimum of 30 journals to review. We could still handle these tasks, even though it involves a lot of reading material. After Dr. Sharina has finished with the literature review topic. We show again to get double confirm about our title, problem statement, research question, research objective, and theoretical framework to find out which errors should be changed.


    So for today we discuss about how to write a  literature review in our research paper project. We discuss using a group WhatsApp right away. 

See you again !! 💞

[26 October 2021] WEEK 4 - Class Session 

4th Class Session

    OHH NO !!! how quickly time passes, it already week 4. As usual, this week we learn about the questionnaire design and use of methodology in a journal research. Furthermore, in this topic she explained how importance Methodology in our research. For population, it explain that a population is the whole group from which you want to reach conclusions while sample is a specific group from which you will collect data. She also explained how to get sample size using table Krejcie & Morgan, 1970. The sample size often becomes less than the total of population size. Before the class ended, Dr Sharina give a task  for create or searching the draft of questionnaire can be used to be given to the respondent. In addition, our group showing the progress of the literature review that we have completed so that Dr Sharina can comment on the improvements that are needed.

    As usual, Dr. Sharina will check our last week's task and asked students to update their work progress. After that, Dr. Sharina asked us to move to the next stage which is doing the questionnaire for our research, and she explained one by one how to do the questionnaire. So basically, what she told us is questionnaire have purpose of research, instruction and 2 section which are section A and Section B. For section A its mostly on demographic question such as name, age, gender, and others. Meanwhile, for section B will be more related to our dependent variable and independent variable. Each of variable must be at least 6-7 question.

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