Research Topic for this blog is The Element that Dominant Sustainable E-Commerce Purchasing: Malaysian Fashion Industry
The main objective of this research is to examine the sustainable of e-commerce purchasing in Malaysian fashion industry. To determine the relationship between social media, influencer marketing, website and e-commerce and the element that dominant sustainable of e-commerce purchasing.

[2 November 2021] WEEK 5 - Class Session 

5th Class session!

    For today class session Dr. Sharina have too cancel her class because she attending an International Summer Course with her Tourism students. She ask we to complete our questionnaire by next Friday and email her for check. We hope our draft questionnaire can be accepted by Dr. Sharina to blast it. 

Group discussion !! 

    So, after we get WhatsApp from Dr. Sharina in the group, we decide to start doing our literature review matrix because it must put in our blog. Moreover, we also make revisions and improvements to the questionnaire which needs to submit this Friday.

    We have discuss with our group members regarding the questionnaire because the hypothesis testing research is incorrect. Dr. Sharina asked we to revisit and amend the questionnaire. We will try our best to do better with the work progress. 

[9 November 2021] WEEK 6 - Class Session 

6th Class session!

    We can't believe can make it to Week 6 already !! As usual Dr. Sharina will check about the last task that she given and asked we to updated the work progress. 

Group discussion !! 

    Unfortunately our questionnaire need to do a major relook with the independent variables.  We discuss what she wants to make corrections in our questionnaire. The corrections that must we do is in the part of independent variables of the research. After we do the correction that Dr. Sharina highlight, we send it back to her for getting approval so that we can start for doing the Google Form questionnaire and blast to our respondent during mid sem break.

[16 November 2021] WEEK 7 - Class Session 

7th Class session!

    So yeahh!! It's already week 7, time passes too fast. This week Dr. Sharina just do a some last check regarding the questionnaire before we proceed to start the collecting data and findings research. So that during mid sem break, we need to complete our questionnaire to google form and starts to send the questionnaire to the respondent of our research project. 

Group discussion !! 

    During the class session, we discuss about how many respondent that we need to make the research project success. We need 384 respondent to answer our questionnaire because of the research is going to the public section. 

    There are various formulas for calculating the required sample size based upon whether the data collected is to be of a categorical or quantitative nature (e.g. is to estimate a proportion or a mean).  These formulas require knowledge of the variance or proportion in the population and a determination as to the maximum desirable error, as well as the acceptable Type I error risk (e.g., confidence level).

This formula is the one used by Krejcie & Morgan in their 1970 article “Determining Sample Size for Research Activities” (Educational and Psychological Measurement, #30, pp. 607-610).

Good news!! 

    On Thursday (25/11/2021) we get an email from Dr. Sharina that she already approved our questionnaire and ask we to procced with the data collection. That's mean this week we need to work harder to reach the respondent target for our research project. 

[30 November 2021] WEEK 8 - Class Session 

8th Class Session!! 

    Umphhh!! We are truly upset because mid sem break is already done 😭. So its mean that we have to cope with the report research again 😂. In this week Dr. Sharina has explained how to use the SMART SPSS in your data analysis. Actually we're never used this system before and we got confusing a little bit about this system. After Dr. Sharina explained it, we learned a new things about this system. It can measure all the data that we need and get a reasonable  reliability test. 

   At the end of class, Dr. Sharina remind us again about the survey questionnaire. Most of the group are not exactly get enough the respondents. But for now we already have 150 respondent and about 236 respondent we must get within this week before we proceed to the SMART PLSS. 


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